5.The Frontend
Here's a typical frontend calendar:

Let's describe its sections. At the top of it, we see:
Filtering buttons (left)
Those dropdowns allow the customer to filter for a particular service and/or coworker. The services and coworkers listed are always in accordance to the eventual specification of the shortcode.
If the calendar is for a single service, the dropdown won't be displayed.
You can hide those dropdowns with the
shortcode attribute (check the Shortcodes paragraph of the documentation). -
Timezone selector (right)
The calendar dates and times are shown accordingly to your WordPress timezone (as set in the
General settings
of your site). The customer can conveniently change the timezone using this dropdown.When a reservation is made, the selected timezone will be saved in the reservation data, so you can check it in the reservation's details (
tab). The confirmation e-mail sent to the customer, will transpose all the times accordingly to the selected timezone in the frontend, if not default.You can hide this dropdown with the
shortcode attribute (check the Shortcodes paragraph of the documentation).
The header of the calendar itself has two left-right arrows to change the month back and forth. It has also the name of the month and the year currently displayed.
By pressing them, a fast selector will be unfolded, for example here's what you get by clicking on the month's name:

The main calendar area contains, in our example, a single day with free slots on it. In our example, the little numbered dot indicates how many free slots we have inside that day, but the meaning of the number can be configured (check the Style customization section of the documentation).
By clicking on a day with free slots, the slot's list will be displayed:

At the top-right corner, we have (depending on what slots information are available) some filtering buttons:
Time filter
The customer can filter the slots by the starting time.
Location filter
The customer can filter the slots by location.
Coworker filter
The customer can filter the slots by service provider.
Those filters can be mixed together.
If the calendar is not read-only, just click on a slot to open the reservation form.
In order to render a main frontend calendar, just use this shortcode anywhere in your page or post:
Have you created more than one service? One for "Dental Care Session" and one for "Weekly Dentist Conference"? So using the [tb-calendar]
shortcode will display all of the free slots in one calendar, all together (keeping the names separated).
In the post/page WordPress editor you'll find a comfortable TeamBooking button to insert shortcodes quickly:

Select Add calendar
to open a shortcode configuraton for the main frontend calendar.
Select Add reservations list
to open a shortcode configurator for the frontend reservations list.
Further tweaks and parameters are explained below.
Specific services only
Including only some events in a calendar frontend instance is very simple, just add the booking IDs (not the names!) to the shortcode:
One service:
[tb-calendar booking="dental-care-session"]
Multiple services:
[tb-calendar booking="dental-care-session, weekly-conference"]
Specific coworkers
If you want to render a personal calendar for a specific coworker, you can do the same. Go to Manage coworkers
tab, and grab the specific shortcode for the coworker. You can also mix multiple coworkers.
One coworker:
[tb-calendar coworker="1"]
Multiple coworkers:
[tb-calendar coworker="1, 3"]
Mixed shortcodes
Shortcodes can be mixed, so i.e. you can render a calendar for a single coworker, with multiple services:
[tb-calendar coworker="1" booking="service-1, service-2"]
Read only calendar
If you want to render an informative frontend calendar without booking ability, just use the read_only attribute:
[tb-calendar read_only="yes"]
Hide the calendar to guests
If you want to completely hide the frontend calendar fon non-logged users, just use the logged_only attribute:
[tb-calendar logged_only="yes"]
Hide the filtering buttons
Filtering buttons for services and coworkers list will be shown by default, for the customer's convenience. If you don't want to show those buttons, you can specify that in the shortcode, using the nofilter
[tb-calendar nofilter="yes"]
Hide the timezone selector
If you want to hide the frontend timezone selector, just use the notimezone
[tb-calendar notimezone="yes"]
Change the slots style
If you want to specify the slots style (overriding the general setting for that) you can use the slot_style
[tb-calendar slot_style="1"]
Possible values are (at the moment) "0" for the default style (basic) and "1" for the Elegant style.
The Team Booking Calendar widget shows a frontend calendar instance. You can choose which services to include, and if the calendar should be read-only (reservations not allowed). You can even choose to hide the filter button.
Note: The Widget CSS is slightly different from the Shortcode CSS. Widget calendar suits the sidebars best.

5.2Upcoming events
TeamBooking can show in your frontend a list of the upcoming events:

In order to render a frontend upcoming events list, just use this shortcode anywhere in your page or post:
Parameters are explained below:
Specific services
Including only some events in the upcoming list is very simple, just add the booking IDs list (not the names!) to the shortcode:
One service:
[tb-upcoming service="dental-care-session"]
Multiple services:
[tb-upcoming service="dental-care-session, weekly-conference"]
Read only list
If you want to render an informative frontend upcoming list without booking ability, just use the read_only attribute:
[tb-upcoming read_only="yes"]
Set the number of events to be shown
By default, the upcoming list shows the next 4 events. You can change this value using the shown attribute:
[tb-upcoming shown="10"]
Allow the user to load more events
If you want to allow the user to load more events, you can use the more
[tb-upcoming more="yes"]
Hide the timezone selector
If you want to hide the frontend timezone selector, just use the notimezone
[tb-upcoming notimezone="yes"]
Limit the maximum number of events that can be shown
If you allowed the user to load more events, you can also limit the maximum number of them using the limit
[tb-upcoming more="yes" limit="30"]
Show the service's descriptions
If you want to show the service's descriptions in each slot, you can use the descriptions
[tb-upcoming descriptions="yes"]
Please note: if you have more than one slot for the same service, each slot will display the description.
Show the little calendar icon near each slot even if they are under the same day.
If you want to show the little calendar icon near each slot no matter if that day was already displayed, you can set to "no" the hide_same_days
[tb-upcoming hide_same_days="no"]
Change the slots style
If you want to specify the slots style (overriding the general setting for that) you can use the slot_style
[tb-upcoming slot_style="1"]
Possible values are (at the moment) "0" for the default style (basic) and "1" for the Elegant style.
The Team Booking upcoming events widget shows a frontend upcoming events list. You can choose which services to include, and pretty much each attribute of its shortcode version.
Note: The Widget CSS is slightly different from the Shortcode CSS. Widget upcoming list suits the sidebars best.
5.3List of reservations (for customers)
5.3.1How to show the list
You can show to customers a list with all their upcoming reservations by simply adding the shortcode:
This will render a simple table (styles/CSS are inherited from your theme) where a customer can inspect all his reservations and basic data such as the date and time, the coworker, the reservation status.

Note: The list will be rendered to logged users only. User profiles are managed by WordPress, and not by TeamBooking.
5.3.2Cancelling a reservation
If a service has the customer's cancellation allowed, then the relative reservations records will display a "cancel" link under the Actions
column. By clicking on this link, the reservation will be cancelled.
You could include a link to the frontend reservation list page in your confirmation emails, so a customer can easily reach it. A formula like "If you wish to cancel this reservation, then go here" will be great.